It has been a while since I’ve written in my blog. Since we have more time these days I thought I would share what’s been happening in my life.
As most of you know I found out early August that I was pregnant with our second baby. It was definitely an unexpected surprise. My Aunty Bear was the one who called it. As I briefly mentioned to her at my cousin's daughter's birthday party how unusually hungry and nauseous I was all the time. When I got home from the birthday party I decided to take a pregnancy test. Two lines showed up within minutes. I was so excited. Chad was walking Marley, so I told Aidan. He was excited too, although I’m not really sure if he actually understood.

When Chad got home I told him. My pregnancy went by pretty fast, some of my cravings were milk, coke, yogurt, apples with cinnamon, Mr. Noodles, and popsicles. I was definitely more tired this pregnancy but I didn’t let it stop me. I still did my best to volunteer at Aidan's school, attend swimming lessons, worked until 28 weeks, I packed/unpacked boxes, and painted a bedroom.
I had 3 sinus infections during this pregnancy, being sick while pregnant and caring for a 5 year old was definitely a challenge. You definitely take it for granted when you're able to take medication. I had to tough it out, and be creative on how to lessen the symptoms. Towards the end of my pregnancy we had discovered I was having preeclampsia symptoms. My legs and feet would swell up and turn purple especially at night, I would get vision spots, and my blood pressure was high every time I had a doctors appointment.
On the evening of March 4th, I went to bed with a horrible headache. It was different from a migraine. The pain I had was something I’ll never be able to explain and hope to never go through again. I didn’t get any sleep, and nothing was helping. I could feel the pulsing in my ears and the pain down my neck.
On March 5, after dropping Aidan off at school I decided to go to the hospital. I had a non stress test, the baby was still active and happy. After the test I went upstairs to labour and delivery. They were able to give me something for the headache but in the late afternoon the drugs had worn off and the same pain I had before was coming back. That’s when the OB decided that we should go ahead with the C-section as my blood pressure was still high and now the headaches were getting worse.
It was definitely unexpected, lots of last minute plans needed to be made within hospital and family. Chad called my mum, and she lives an hour away. We were both so surprised that she was there so quickly. It was great to have her support before the surgery. I was really anxious and I don’t do well with last minute changes especially when it’s not in my control but I knew I needed to trust the doctors and nurses.
When I went into the operating room the anesthesiologist was so cool, he asked if I wanted to listen to music. I chose to listen to the Backstreet Boys as their music has been a huge part of my life. Once I was settled, they allowed Chad to come in. At 5:11pm Alanna was born and healthy. The surgery took a lot longer then usual.
We spent 5 days in hospital. It took me 2.5 days to have feeling back in my left leg. I started to worry if I would ever be able to walk as my left leg was still numb from the surgery. I was very anxious to get up and walk but it didn’t happen until day 3.
We had lots of friends and family stop by. It was so different to have Alanna in our room as Aidan was in the NICU for the first 8 days of his life. The recovery this time was a lot harder on me, mentally, emotionally and physically. The surgery was very difficult according to my OB. Getting Alanna out was a challenge, she was transverse but I knew that before the surgery. None of my organs were in the right place, my bladder was knicked so I had to have a catheter for 20 days.
I had lots of scar tissue from previous surgeries and possibly an infection brewing within my stomach, my OB said it was the most difficult C section she had ever performed. I am very thankful for the OB, surgeons, doctors and nurses. They were so good to me and my family. It was definitely a journey and one I won’t forget for a long time. They tried very hard to make my hospital stay as comfortable as possible.
At the end of the day, I have a beautiful baby girl named Alanna and so thankful she is healthy. Our family is complete. Aidan is already a great big brother. Chad and I can’t wait til they can play together. I want to thank all of my friends and family for coming to visit me in the hospital. It was definitely a hard time for me, but having visitors everyday made it a little easier.